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Learn how to create better documents and web pages



Replace Windows with the Free Secure Linux operating system!



Feature box 3 description.


Welcome to College in the Clouds!

Welcome to College in the Clouds! Our mission is to help you learn how to publish your own book, start your own business, build your own secure website and even start your own video channel, online store, online course or news website. Our goal is to revolutionize the way books are written, websites are built, online businesses are run and online courses are taught by introducing you to a new generation of free open source web building tools.


We offer a 12 book series of courses on free tools for sharing knowledge. In our courses, books and videos, you’ll learn how to use several open source web building tools, including the free Linux operating system, LibreOffice for creating print books and Ebooks, Joomla for website management, Phoca Cart for Ecommerce and Moodle for Elearning. Here is a video about our courses:

Open source means the source code, or software, is free and can be shared by anyone with anyone for any purpose. Open source is like a library...free and open knowledge shared with the community for the common good. No patents, no hassles, no barriers, no limits!

We offer 12 different courses on using free open source tools.


There is an online revolution occurring in the world today. Businesses are increasingly selling their products and services online. Educational organizations are teaching courses online. Social organizations are building their communities online. The latest news is being posted online. Authors are selling their books online. Families are shopping online. The sharing of knowledge and ideas is increasingly occurring online. If you want your business or book to succeed, it is time to join this communication sharing revolution.

There is another online revolution occurring at the same time. Web 1.0 brought the Internet to the entire world. But folks could only look at websites. They could not interact with them. Web 2.0 allowed folks to interact with websites by clicking on buttons and filling out forms and downloading fliers. But you still needed to learn computer programming if you want to have full control over your own website. With our books and courses, we are introducing Web 3.0 – full control over the appearance, content and function of your website – without computer programming – simply by clicking on a series of buttons!


Course and Book #1 Better Word Processing
Our program begins with a courses on how to create better documents. Whether you are starting your own business or writing your own book, you are more likely to succeed if you understand how to write and structure your documents. We review how to use Google Docs, MS Word and Libre Office Writer word processors. We also explain how to capture and format images, how to format tables and how to securely share documents with others. We discuss the dangers of Windows ransomware and how it is transmitted through downloading infected Word documents. Finally, we show how to create a custom book template – with custom page styles and paragraph styles - using Libre Writer.


Course and Book #2 Learn Linux and LibreOffice
Our second course includes learning how to install a free open source operating system called Linux Debian onto your computer. Linux Debian comes with over 60,000 free tools for managing documents, images and videos. One of the most important of these free tools is Libre Office – a free Word Processing tool that is ideal for optimizing images and creating documents that can easily be transferred to our website. While Libre Office is available for Windows and Apple computers, it works best on the free Linux operating system. Thankfully, nearly any old computer you have can be easily turned into a Linux computer.


Course & Book #3... Learn HTML and CSS
Our third course reviews important foundational skills for building websites as well as how to create colorful website feature boxes and email newsletters.


Course & Book #4... Create a Secure Website
In our fourth course, Create a Secure Website, we cover how to use Joomla – the world’s most powerful web building platform, to build an interactive website. Thanks to recent developments in Joomla extensions and templates, it is now possible for you to have complete control over the content, appearance and function of your website – and build an interactive website without learning any computer programming. Many of the techniques we advocate in our books and courses have never been covered in any previous book or course on web building. If you have struggled to build an interactive website in the past, you will be amazed at how much easier this process has become.


Course & Book #5... Create a Secure Online Store
In this course, Create a Secure Online Store, we explain how to use a free Joomla tool called Phoca Cart to set up a secure well organized online store.


Course & Book #6... Create Your Own Video Channel
In our sixth course, Create Your Own Video Channel, we show you how to set up your own video network combining free open source video production tools with a free You Tube Channel.


Course & Book 7… Create a Secure News Website
In our seventh course, we will explain how to add several more free Joomla tools to turn your website into an online local, national or international news organization.


Course & Book #8… Create a Better Social Network
In this course, we will explain how to use a free open source program called Freedica combined with the open source Hestia Control Panel to create your own censor-proof and truly independent social network.


Course & Book #9... Create Your Own Online Course
In our ninth course, Create Your Own Online Course, we show you how to set up your own online educational program using a free open source course creation program called Moodle which can be integrated with our Joomla website. In fact, the 8 to 10 categories on each of our Joomla website are intended to be converted into an 8 to 10 week course. Our goal in sharing knowledge is to combine the power of a Joomla website with an Ebook and a Moodle course for a complete knowledge sharing process!


Course & Book #10… Create Your Own Community Network
In our tenth course, we will show you how to install free Joomla online organizational building tools for creating a membership interaction network, Kunena Forum for creating a topic based discussion board, BW Postman for free customized newsletters and ICAgenda for organizing community events.


Course & Book #11 Create and Publish Your Own Book
In our eleventh course, we describe how to use free open source tools such as LibreOffice and Sigil to create a book and post it onto online retailers through IngramSpark. There is a very close relationship between a website and an Ebook. Both are ways of sharing knowledge in an organized manner. Because Joomla helps you organize your ideas by assigning articles to categories, it is easy to turn these categories into chapters of your book. So as you write pages for your website, you are also creating the foundation for your print Book and Ebook. Joomla also helps you turn your book into a website to help promote your book. We show you how to tie these knowledge sharing tools together.


Course & Book #12... Create Your Own Virtual Private Server
In this course, we will review how to create a Debian based virtual private server using a free open source control panel called Hestia to build your online business on a public facing server hosted by a Canadian web host called Canhost.


A Complete Online Web Building Program without Computer Programming
Our primary goal is to introduce you to new tools and techniques that can help you build your own interactive website. However, we also hope to change the way Joomla is taught, and ultimately change the way websites are built. Our goals include offering you a new and radically different way to learn Joomla and build your website. To achieve these goals, in our books and courses, we offer several innovative features.

#1: The first difference is we use many more images
The first thing you will notice about our books and courses is the huge number of images. Each of our courses feature hundreds of images showing exactly how to perform various tasks. Images are useful in helping you see what the screens should look like when you are building your own website. These images are also intended to promote multi-modal learning. While some students learn best by reading words, others learn by looking at images.


#2: The second difference is we show you how to use many more tools
A second difference between our books and courses compared to traditional web building books and courses is that we demonstrate not only Joomla, but also how to add and use extra tools called extensions to your website.


Joomla by itself will not produce an interactive business website. The main power of Joomla comes from the thousands of free add-ons which are available on the Joomla extension directory. We provide detailed instructions on how to install and use dozens of important Joomla extensions.


#3: We include All Essential Steps... No Missing Steps
Another problem with traditional web building books and courses is that there are typically huge gaps in the instruction with many important topics not covered at all. For example, all of your web pages should have images. How to handle these images is barely touched on in most books. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to organize, transfer and store images:


We offer five ways to learn how to use free open source web building tools.
First, visit our 12 course websites and click through the pages.
Each of our free course websites have dozens of articles on how to use open source tools to build your next website. Our instructional websites provide many examples of the finished pages in addition to step by step instructions on how to create those pages.

The website for our first course is https://betterwordprocessing.com/

The website for our second course is learnlinuxandlibreoffice.org

The website for our third course is https://learnhtmlandcss.com/

The website for our fourth course is https://createasecurewebsite.com/

The website for our fifth course is https://createasecureonlinestore.com/

The website for our sixth course is createyourownvideochannel.org

The website for our seventh course is https://createasecurenewswebsite.com/

The website for our eighth course is https://createabetternetwork.com/

The website for our ninth course is createyourownonlinecourse.org

The website for our tenth course is https://createyourowncommunitynetwork.org/

The website for our next course is https://createandpublishyourownbook.com/

The website for our twelveth course is createyourownvps.com

Second, buy and read one of our course books. All of our course books can be purchased as either a print book, Ebook or PDF book at a link provided on our websites. The Ebooks and PDF books allow you to read when you are not online and the print books allow you to read even when you are not near your computer. These reference books can be a great aid to keep beside your computer and refer to as you are building your own secure interactive website.


Third, watch our free course videos on our College in the Clouds You Tube Channel. Each of our courses has its own YouTube channel where you can watch free videos of concepts discussed in our courses. Each video is about 10 to 15 minutes in length and demonstrate how to perform many of the tasks described in the associated chapter of our courses.


Fourth, sign up for our free newsletter – also at collegeintheclouds.org to receive updated information on how to start your own business, publish your own book and/or build your own website, online store or online course.

Fifth, sign up for one or more of our interactive online courses!
We offer three levels of comprehensive individualized courses. In each course, we work directly with you to design and build your own interactive website or publish your own book or start your own online store or course.


To sign up for our free email updates and/or to sign up for any of our interactive online courses, click on the Join Now box at College in the Clouds.


For additional information, click on “Contact Us” at the top of the page.


Welcome to College in the Clouds… Put the power of the Internet to work for you!